Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day Uno

Well, this wasn't going to be my first time away from home for a long period of time so that wasn't an issue on my first day. I was only excited to get away from the house for awhile where the video games were getting a bit repetitive. I had found out a while ago that I would be in Cluster 2 and was even more excited because that had been my first choice for a number of reasons that aren't really important for this blog or whatever it is.
On the first day of real Cosmos and my first day really participating in the Cluster, I got stuck with carrying the sign around which is more cumbersome than you would think. However, it turned out to be very useful as a location device and I have saved people from being lost a few times. I am also going to turn it into a kick *** sign for the Cosmolympics that we will be participating in, with help from my new friends of course. Oh!!! Can't forget that my clock is going to be awesome, the food actually isn't that bad, especially the breakfasts, and my roommate is cool, so this is going to be great!

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