Monday, July 21, 2008


Today has been an interesting day.

Although the safety for Gotcha was kinda of weird, I managed to eliminate my person on my way to class. How it happened was actually quite peculiar and just a lot of luck. She happened to not be her safety, and I caught a glimpse of her as our cluster gathered on Middle Earth...

This morning during class we worked a bit on our mini sculptures, and I was also able to draw out a rough sketch of how our final kinetic sculpture looks like, although it is a very, very rough sketch. With Scott's help, we managed to connect our motor for our pulley to a relay which connected to the processor. Soldering the wires was pretty cool, and it was interesting to see it all come together. In the afternoon, we had a lecture which led us to the lab that we did. That was pretty fun as well, except our team sort of just burst into song during the middle of the lab..... For the trampoline part, we had major issues putting it together, but then Jason came to help us, and we were saved! I'm excited about the 'Bowser Zone' that we are attempting to include in our kinetic sculpture! Hopefully it will turn out okay..

Two other things that I am excited about are 1) Bingo, tonight and 2) the Discovery Lecture tomorrow. For the first one, I just really like to play Bingo. As for the latter, the topic tomorrow (Sustainability) is something that I have always been interested in and have actually done some research in. Perhaps I'll blog about the Dis. lecture tomorrow...

Food Recap:
Breakfast: Chocolate Chip Pancakes!  My favorite breakfast item so far, second to the waffles.
Lunch: Thai Chicken Wrap: It guess it was supposed to be cold, but I wished it were warm....
Dinner: Chicken Cordon Bleu: c'etait tres bien, mais je pense que la viande etait un peu bizarre.

Donc, Je les donne 4 etoiles/5

AU revoir!

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