Monday, July 28, 2008

First Day of Final Sculptures -Paul Deardorff

Today was the first day of our final sculptures and each team made very good progress on the full sculpture. Most teams focused on the main structure, which was the main goal of the team I was working in. We decided that it would be best to just start building to allow more time to test out new ideas on the following day. I created another one of my parts on the LaserCAMM and was pleased to see that other teams were also using my infamous "Horizontal Side Servo Mount". This attaches a servo to a blue pipe horizontally and doesn't interfere with its range in motion. I also created a fan type contraption which directs balls in one of two ways, with the help of user inputs. After I had the whole portion of the structure assembled, it was time to actually mount it with a servo. This is where I used my servo mount which I had previously made. Well, it didn't fit because of a slight error in the steps of my assembly. The servo arm had to be put on last, but instead I put it on first. Instead, the servo mount would have to be cut to fit over the collar of the servo and secure with two screws and bolts. With the aid of Mr. Park on the band saw and his precision cutting hands, I was able to make a revision to the original design.

I think in the end, I will make this piece in CAD for future years of COSMOS students to use and modify the way they need it.

I am looking forward to tomorrow's discovery lecture.


Paul Deardorff

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