Monday, July 14, 2008

the beginning of week 2/end of week 1

YO! The clock is finally done, AND it actually works quite well. I was a bit worried about it because I was afraid that the top middle part of the pendulum was going to hit the escapement wheel and get stuff, but everything worked out in the end, and I didn't have to shave off part of my pendulum.

First we went to the comp lab to work on the working model thingy to simulate how our pendulum would swing. The approximation that I got on working model for one revolution was about 10.6 seconds, which was really close to what I got for the actual pendulum. The actual time was about .1 to .2 off. That was pretty much all we did during the morning because some people were still working on the CADs (I think) and working with Working Model was quite frustrating at times, and it took a long time to get the hang of it/actually make the pendulum swing on it. Nonetheless, everyone was really helpful, so I got it to work in time.

We ate with Professor Tu and Ms. Hames on the top floor of the building. The view was quite nice, and it felt good to get a bit of individual attention. I'm glad to hear that even though we might not be going on any more far away fieldtrips, we will most likely be having short excursions around campus. Those sound pretty fun, and I am definitely looking forward to them.

We went back to the MAE design studio and worked on our clocks. I was having trouble with the last part of my clock, but I got some help from my fellow clustamates, and I finally finished! Then, I repainted parts of the pendy because now we have a wider selection of paints, and I was able to mix some interesting colors. Professor de Callafon (haha, this sounds kinda like Harry Potter.... ish) gave another lecture about the dynamics of simple mechanical systems. It was pretty easy to understand, probably becuase we already had a lecture before about it.... and again, I enjoyed the working model stuff on it, because it made the ppt more clear, and they are fun/cool to look at.

Laundry, kind of a hassle, but it wasnt that bad. I need to find a better time to go there, though. That would be better. Maybe I should go during.... (I won't disclose the specific time here, because that wouldn't be so secret, and perhaps other people will go there during that time, too, which would make my roomie mad. no joke)
Beach-fun, although I thought that the water would be much warmer compared to the beaches in norcal..... although i must admit it's still a lot better than norcal.
Jell-O fight- FUN times a googleplex. The consistency was weird, but it kinda made it more fun, in a way. My suitemates and I made a pact to hit everyone else but each other, but ONE of them *ahem* hit me 5 times, which was not cool, yo.

Knott's: Crazy fun, but the car ride there and back was a bit long, compared to the Irvine kids whose ride was only half an hour and got there at 12:30.... but I guess it was just more bonding time for us ;)

Food Recap:
Today lunch: boxed lunch. I had a salami sandwich and fritos and grandma's chocolate chip cookies, and cranberry juice-the best.
Today dinner: tilapia: it was decent. BUT the vegetarian pasta thing was extremely bland.... I'm not quite sure if we were supposed to add the salt ourselves or what... but i dunno... it just didn't have a taste
Yesterday Lunch: Cheese ravioli- good, but I only got 3 and they were kinda cold....
Yesterday Dinner: Chicken enchiladas! They were delicious. but I guess it wasnt real mexican food because Sahndra said so.
Saturday dinner: at knotts, so i've got not much to say.
Saturday lunch: I had a burger. It was alright

soooo 3.7 stars/5 ... gettin' better gettin' better....

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