Sunday, July 13, 2008

Two great days!

Yesterday we went to Knott's Berry Farm and i had a blast! I went on a lot of the rides and had fun. It would have been better if we left to go to Knotts a bit earlier like at 9. Today we went to the beach and that was also fun. We were there for only 3 hours and it would have definitely been better if we went earlier and stayed for longer. I loved the fact that we had extra time to sleep over the weekend. I hope the coming week will be as enjoyable as the first one.


DrAy-DRay said...

Hey! This is Adrian White about to give you a two volume story of my experience this week at COSMOS 08. First off, I'd like to to tell the reader (if anybody finds this) that the reason I'm posting under the comment of somebody else is because I have not received any instructions or invitation to the blog. I have told one T.A.s twice but still no luck, but all is well let me tell you about my first week of Cluster II Kinetic Sculptures.

Volume I:
As I started class the first day I thought that this was going to be one of the hardest classes in COSMOS because of everything they had prepared for us and the topics we were covering. Luckily, it's not as rigorous as I had believed but it's definitely a worthy challenge. Not only that but every day there, including the first day was a blast and I had a great time. Each day I come back learning something new, even if it was just a building day because I can learn from my own work. The project they had set up for us was due at the end of the week and I was nervous to tell the truth. Eventually, I pulled through and was extremely impressed about how it turned out. Wish to learn about the project? Check Volume II.

DrAy-DRay said...

I'm back for part two of my 2 volume series, The Project.

Volume II:
We were assigned to create a working pendulum clock in a 5-week time span; impossible, right? Wrong. I had many doubts going into the project but they vanished once I had the right set of mind. The instructions prepared us academically and mechanically (I'm referring to the tools and instructions they lent us) to complete a clock that we can walk home with. My initial design was one that was already done and I felt I was using no creativity, but if one wishes to be an engineer I assume they must be somewhat creative, so I changed by plan to something ENTIRELY different. The theme was spider-man, it took me days just to figure that out and crunch-time was coming soon. I applied full force academical skills to bust out a stupendous design. I received many compliments on it, I was indefinitely flattered. Thanks to Scott's and the others' help on AutoCAD I had made a design I was proud with. After that, I took it to the design studio where I made a working pendulum clock. This is definitely an achievement I can go home and brag about ;). The class this week was surprisingly one of the best ones I've had in years, I cannot wait for week 2.

-Adrian W.