Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 1

Most first days are kind of relaxed and slow, but today was not an ordinary first day. After trekking across campus we discovered Engineering Building 2, which is filled with computers and expensive shop equipment. The campus is huge and there are so many buildings, I hope I can remember how to get there. We met all of our professors and teaching assistants, who all seem nice and helpful, and we got an overview of the course. However, after lunch we were bombarded with information about AutoCAD and shop tools. I am unfamiliar to both, so it was a lot to take in but hopefully I can get the hang of it. One of the most interesting things today was learning about the clock in the quad of the engineering building. The clock is similar to what we will be building, but is also more advanced. This clock has more gears and a motor, but has also experienced more problems than our clocks, I hope. I am excited to make progress on my clock and to do our future projects.

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